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This 4 of cups does look tainted, instead of the clear water in the Thoth 4 of cups we here see them filled with blood and some nasty green goo is sticking to them. The artist also scattered the lotus flowers and constricted the cups within a diamond shape and with what looks like an hourglass shape. Which is rather clever cause one meaning for this card is the 4:th dimension – time.  This is all a very confined space and limited time. A situation about to change.

My Shustah cards are lovely though, all treasures! The Blue diamond, Yellow treasure and then Virgo for mental clarity, a sharp mind.

I am having a reading period right now, I got no time for computers and on-line forums and facebook, I have to READ! Started The Night circus and it is lovely, re-reading The Art of Ritual, slowly working through the Fortune and Trobe Qabalah books. I dream of words fluttering, glittering, like a clear spring.

About jema

Dreamer, tarot reader and hobo librarian

4 responses »

  1. I go through phases where I just have to read too. Sometimes it’s nice to have a break from the internet. How are you getting on with the Dion Fortune book? It’s one I keep dipping into.

    • I love the Dion Fortune book, read it before but am re-reading chapter by chapter together with the Kala Trobe book, sort of getting the scholary mental aspect to the more intuitive/emotional aspect that is in Trobe book.

  2. I guessed you draw for today with the title of your blog – Goo! 😀
    People who read multiple books at a time amaze me. I try to do it, but usually end up letting the others collect dust after reading just a few pages and concentrating on one.

  3. spoken like a librarian 🙂


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