Flitting through…

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I have been lax in updating. These cards show pretty much how I felt lately. The Knight of Cups is holding his cup to his heart, not yet offering it up for others. The 6 of coins are laying them out though, but these coins are just the mundane life, the flotsam of an ordinary life. Not much to see really.

I been dreaming a lot, long complex architectural skyscrapers with post-war concrete bunkers or dreams. Something is stirring. Been working through a lot of that ‘oh pity me’ feelings and I must say I am proud to have conquered them without submitting to the temptation to broadcast them. I keep my feelings much to myself – but lay out the mundane cause that is all I can give for now.

I will be back with deck of the week next week since for now I am full of tarot and I need to empty my cup before taking more in. Expect random tarot posts here though.

Oh let me finish with this photo from my balcony just a few days ago. It may be end of April – but it is still winter here:


About jema

Dreamer, tarot reader and hobo librarian

2 responses »

  1. I’ll be curious to see what kind of seedling sprouts from underneath all that snow when you decide the time is right. 🙂 (((J)))

  2. I’ve missed your daily draw, Jema – glad you’re back. Looking forward to random posts…:)


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