Hadar TdM late May

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Hey summer is here, rainy right now but the world is green again. My garden is still needing a lot of work but I will be out there as soon as the weather is a bit better. I got seeds and earth ready. And I bought a blue lawnchair (Baden Baden they call them)



This week I am using the Hadar TdM and got 10 of cups.

It made me instantly think ok a bird feeding her little hungry chicks. The motherly comfort, providing food and encouragment – that is ME! I am doing that! Despite everything, in the midst of major depression, I am there for people, for cats and family and friends. I always seen myself as a taker, as the one needing to soothing but I am stronger now then in years.


The monster

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This is me, a living dead inside a library.

The monster is of course this depression. It makes it hard to even speak, it overwhelms and mutes me.

Gareth Knight Tarot

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Gareth KnightThis one had been on the whislist a long time when a friend from a forum messaged me that she migth have one extra 😀 So this will be the deck of the week. Also reading about the Rory’s storycubes again I think I will pull those out again too, starting tomorrow.

Gareth Knight is a chunky and charming deck, like a simpler Thoth made in the 70:ies. At least that is the vibe of it. The minors are all pip-like but still rather expressive in an abstract way, the courts are very nice though. The LWB is quite thourough with the majors and just gives the GD titles for the minors.

This deck has been OOP for some time and I am really happy to have it in my hand. Right now I don’t really got a ‘pipe-dream’ deck. (Well, maybe a vintage edition of the Thompson-Leng or a Frown Strong)


The Prague Mage

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Prag MageBurst of energy, creativity, inspiration etc. What I get from this card today is ‘Do it!’ And if you don’t know how then fake it. I’ll get the hang of it soon enough. In the background is Hermes, all about quickness, the messenger of the Gods but quite often with his own agenda. For me this is a warning to not take everything at face-value.

Cards used this week have been from the lovely Tarot of Prague by Magic Realist Press. It is one of my favorite decks and I am lucky enough to own a first edition and no, it will NEVER be for sale 😀

I also want to add a little note that I made a book-blog only in swedish though. I have been on Goodreads a while now and tried to review in my rather wobbly english, here is an oppertunity to review in my own language, with no censorship, no angry author comments, no deleted reviews and I won’t even drive traffic to Amazon! Click the image to see it.

Pixelina läser

Can’t bear it

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breakfast in Prague

Breakfast (already ate the ciabatta with soft cheese) The tarot spread I use is knitted by mom, the tarot bag I made myself by hand since I don’t own a sewing machine. I can see it needs an ironing though. I picked the title for this post cause I lack imagination today and sometimes a pun is the closest to hand.

Prague 8 SwordsOn the card is a women, blindfolded, encircled, frozen, immobile. Just by her feet a bear also in chains discovered that the ball that tied him was actually an apple (how clever is not that!!) But she can’t see that now, can she? Or perhaps she just doesn’t care anymore. Being the victim has it’s benefits too (or so many of us wouldn’t place ourselves there so often)

This card today has given me a lot to think about, and it ain’t so pretty. Like why am I still living here on benefits, why am I still single, why do I not get the help I need to fix my life, at least patch it up a bit more.

Big sticks

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Tarot of pragueBig sticks, a little like opinions. We all got them and we either keep them to ourselves, flaunt them or hit others in the head with them. Take a pick. This is the second appearance of the World. I take my que from her then. Handle your opinions/wands with grace. Lashing out won’t get anything done.

Oh funny note: Went to the library today and actually heard the librarian talk about how some people just read too much! *jaw dropped* I took my bundle of 6 books home anyway, like an addict with the weekly ration of illicit drugs.

Read-a-Thon post

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I will just keep this one post updated instead of making new ones all the time:-D

Had a little nap and dreamt of Moomin!

Currently reading:

Haruki Murakami – 1Q84 (about 55% in)

Alice Munro – Lives of girls and women (38% in)

Challenges: (too tired for more challenges)

Mid-way challenge:

coffee and macaroons1) How are you doing? Sleepy? Are your eyes tired? I am doing so much better then I though. It is 1am here and I just stepped out of the shower and feel refreshed and ready to go! Did rest my eyes while listening to ‘The wings of the dove’ though.
2) What have you finished reading? 1 short story, 1 essay book and 1 novel
3) What is your favorite read so far? I have to say the essays by Jonathan Franzen since he is a new author to me and I had some preconceived ideas about him.
4) What about your favorite snacks? See image just above…
5) Have you found any new blogs through the readathon? If so, give them some love! I found just a few since I haven’t really started my rounds yet, was gonna do that when the tiredness set in.

Book-trailer challenge: I picked a book I really want to read. ‘Wonder’ by R.J. Palacio (you can’t blend in when you were born to stand out)

Hour 7 challenge: (Nisaba be praised)

‘Tengo wrote a story about the Little People and their deeds. Eriko furnished the basic  story and Tengo converted it into an effective piece of writing.’

‘Tengo curdled a story about the Hexes and their potions. Eriko elucidated the nocturnal boil and Tengo splattered it into an thankful piece of spleen.’

ok another using a random word generator (and this is so stealing reading time…)

‘Aomame severely distorted her face in the gloom. She had to try her best to follow what this man was saying. “Are you telling me that I was transported into this other world of 1Q84 by Tengo’s storytelling ability…’

‘Aomame vividly protected her ignorance in the gloom. She had to clean her camel to follow what this man was sharing. “Are you telling me that I was buried into this buttered toast of 1Q84 by Tengo’s sinful folly…’

Hour2 mini-challenge (From River City Reading) is to connect the book we read with a song. I am right now reading Jonathan Franzen ‘Farther away’ and since it is about authors and bird watching and especially about the suicide of his good friend David Foster Wallace the song I picked is by The Beatles – Blackbird

Books read so far:

Read-a-Thon intro post

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Skelleftehamn1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today? I am sitting in my apartment in a tiny coastal town in the north of Sweden.

2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to? The Alice Munro one ‘Lives of girls and women’

3) Which snack are you most looking forward to? My own violet flavoured macaroons! And coffee of course.

4) Tell us a little something about yourself! Tarot reading librarian (unemployed though) that loves cats, baking, taking photos and read (obviously) Childfree and single with cat (Charlie)

5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to? This is my second and a half (utterly ‘failed’ the last one, was sick and in a horrible mood and just went to bed) I think this time I prepared a lot more to listen to then before since my eyes are kinda bad. Also planned in some breaks and even a nap.

Little bit of tarot

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Tarot of PragueSneaking in a tarot post here just before the read-a-thon is about to start. I pulled two cards for today and got 10 of Swords and The World. Normally 10 of swords is not a card you jump for joy when you see but just this weekend it makes perfect sense. What other card then the full-fillment of intellect + the full circle of the world on a day 100% devoted to the written word?

I hope I won’t fall asleep like the girl on the card – perhaps some dancing like The World is in place 😀


Mental exhaustion but yet a sense of fulfillment 😀

The deck I use this week (with kind permission) is the lovely but sadly OOP Tarot of Prague by Magic Realist Press

Prepping the Read-a-Thon

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brary booksI went out in the windy October weather to go to the library. Originally intended to only return books but came home with a new stack – which is perfect! Read-a-Thon tomorrow and I am all set. Both these books here + Arthur. C. Clark on the cell-phone (for when I take walks) lots of stuff on BBC radio. Comics on the computer. A mega thick collection of Weird fiction (short story love) by VanderMeer, my kindle is packed with half-finished books.

Dinner is prepared, Snacks will be bought during my walk tomorrow, it is after all good to take breaks and rest my eyes and my brain and see actual people. But I did make some peanutbutter cookies and some Violet Macaroons. My brother will come over and just make sure I am still sane.

CharlieCharlie is for loving company 😀

I even took the suggestion to make a rough time-table for food and breaks! Last year I strained my eye too much and had to finish early. Yes, I said eye… I only have one good eye to read with (half blind on both but for different distances + I lack depth vision) This year I got a new comfy office chair and a lot of audio books and internet radio I can listen to while closing my eyes.

I am most looking forward to interacting with others as well as reading. I didn’t do that last time. Hey I might even win something!